Portland II


I have never been a person of faith myself, even when I was really young I never believed that there was an all-powerful god up there looking at us. My mother always let me choose what I wanted to believe in she wasn't forceful at all with religion like her parents were with her. Her belief in god is really lovely and very different from a normal belief

in god like the one the church pushes on people. That is why whenever it comes to her angels and stuff I am always ready to pay attention to what she tells because I know just how much they mean about her.

"Angels are “a supernatural spiritual being who serves God. A messenger of God characterized as having a human form with wings and a Halo”. That’s the definition of an angel.  For me, they are my savior, my guide. My angels always come to me when I need them.

So, I needed them when I arrived in Portland, and they came, my angels came to rescue me. Adam, my daughter’s husband walked me through it, he went with me to get my Social Security, helping me understand all about the driver's license like where to study online, and where to do the practice writing test, he also took me to take the test, what more can I ask for?? My sweetest Angels on earth Isa, Nico, and Adam. Without them, I couldn’t do it. Love you Thanksssss.

The driver´s license, WOW, that’s a very different and unique thing. First, you must take two tests, the writing, and the practical test. The last one is the hardest because you must drive through town with a person who is taking notes, and telling you where to go, and what to do. This is hard and stressful, and everybody complains about it. However, I need to study to get it. OMG!!!

I was told all the time in Colombia that I was a very good driver, but here in the USA, I felt intimidated by the rules. If you think about it, they have more signs than in Colombia and I don’t remember all the signs, even though I don’t know most of the signs or rules. Total Panic!!!!. No way I will pass but, I must do it. So, after all the study, morning, and afternoon, taking several practical tests online I took the writing test and after the second shot, I passed it. I was so stressed. My family was so happy for me. We had a little celebration that ended fast when Isa told me “Mami, now you need to pass the practical test”, the hard one. My daughter and I drove to Hood River one month later to take it. I was driving her Volvo on a highway. Maybe you don’t understand but I lost confidence in myself after all I had been through.

How did I meet my angels? Here is the short story. After my divorce, one day I found myself very depressed. I have never been very religious, but I felt that my life started to change. Things were going better, and I didn’t understand why. One day at the park, I was buying flowers when a lady approached me telling me that things would happen if I needed a change but that I would never be alone. She talked to me nicely about Angels. She continued telling me that I had two guard angels and that they would protect me all the time. And believe me or not I felt peace and calm. Since then, I started learning about them, and I have taken some courses. I have felt connected to them, and they come every moment that I need them. I’m telling you this because that day I had an Angel, a very special one. We walked into the office, took a ticket, and then one lady called us. She was nice and patient. She introduced us to the instructor. We handled all the papers, she asked me to go to the parking lot, but I needed to go to the bathroom so, we had to go to Starbucks and then come back.

 We met at the parking lot, and she started to encourage me by telling me that she knew I was capable of doing it, and that she knew I was a very good driver even without knowing me. Before we took the road, she told me to breathe, and repeated after her “I can Do it, everything is in my control” and we left. We drove through the town for a half hour and then she said, “See you did it you passed”. I couldn’t believe it. So, I passed.  I love to celebrate everything. I love life. I teach my children to celebrate family, friends, and life in general. So, Isabella took to this amazing pizza, the best I ever had in Oregon. We ate a half truffle and half a margarita pizza at Double Mountain Brewery. That is the best pizza I have ever had. Guys, please go there. 100% Recommend."


“This blessing touches a part of you that remembers that you are not alone.” 


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