My children, Isabella & Nico

 My children, Isabella & Nico

My mother wanted to encompass how she sees me and my sister in these paragraphs, she wanted to write about us individually and now as a whole. She has always put us first and seen us as her greatest accomplishment, so in this chapter, she wanted to summarize her thoughts about her children how having children has impacted her life, and what has reached her.

"Today I just feel like talking about my children. Being a mother of my two children has been a gift from the Universe, God, or both. They make me feel that I’m special. I always thought that I was meant to be a mother. Every day, I challenge myself to be my best for them because Isabella and Nicolas deserve it, I’m their model so I must be the best mother they ever dreamed of. I’m the kind of person who thinks that I bring them into this world, so I must be responsible for their future. I must build their road and after they grow up, I must be their coach. If they chose me, I just have to say, “THANK YOU AND I WILL DO MY BEST.” I know that I must love myself, I must be a better person for myself, because in that way I can be a better mother to them.

Every day I try my best, being a mother is not easy, and it never stops. Even when they are adults with children, I will have to be there like my mother was for me. She was the best for me, so I must be the best for Isabella and Nicolas. Wow, but it’s hard. I had to learn to be a father and mother because I raised them by myself. I learned to play cars, to fight like a warrior, to defend my daughter every time a boy was mean to her, or to teach her how to defend herself. Anyway, it was worth it. They became two wonderful human beings. You should ask their couples, haha. Seriously, I know each one of you can say the same about your children but sometimes we forget to say it, they make our life complete and special. 

They are a very different person, Isa is very intelligent, focused, beautiful, and kind. She has a beautiful aura and high energy. She is a Super Sport woman, who loves to train. Every morning, she wakes up at 5 am going to the gym for 2 hours. She is the kindest person that you can ever meet. Very organized in her mind and work but in her stuff in the bedroom.

On the other hand, Nico is a little more organized, handsome, practical, deep, friendly, and funny. He has become a very mature man. He is about to graduate from the university, and I couldn’t feel prouder every semester when I received an email that announced to me that he has been on the dean's list again. when I need somebody to hug me or to talk about life I call Nico, and together we analyze everything very well. We support each other when we need to. He listens to me when he needs advice or when he needs to decide something he calls me to see my point of view.

Together we are one, we complete each other. I am just grateful. “We are a tribe,” someone told me about us. “We are connected, the universe has threads woven between us, “she said. And I can feel how strong we still have them. I hope you won’t get bored. So, think about it, think about all the great moments you have with them, their smile, and the challenge we have every day to be their model. I think it is better to be their model than be someone else model or reference. Children are defined as “a son or daughter of any age young”, “an immature or irresponsible person”, “human beings below the age of puberty”, and a young person, especially between infancy and puberty”."


Un joven sonriendo con un sombrero en la cabeza

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